> Did you have any luck getting the make directory to work for JDE?  I
> have the exact same problem as you...

Er, what problem?  I have no problem.  I did respond once to someone 
who did.

In general, I am using ant, although I'm not using the new Ant 
specific build functions in JDE.  I am setting the following varibles 
in my prj.el file
 '(jde-make-args "compile")
 '(jde-make-working-directory "./build/all_classes/")
 '(jde-make-program "ant")

When I run the command jde-build (on my computer this is bound to the 
key [C-f5]), the compile window is created and I see my build process 
running more or less as if I had done the following in a command 
shell (note the "cmd#:dir_name$" for the prompt, I'm a Unix/Bash 

924:config$ cd ../all_classes/
925:all_classes$ ant compile
Searching for build.xml ...
[ lots of output cut, mostly because this run was
  full of embarrassing compile errors ]

Incidentally, note that my working directory varible uses the 
relative path notation.  The prj.el file this is defined in is two 
directories above all_classes, in the project root directory.  While 
I set these values in a local prj.el, setting them in .emacs, and 
using absolute pathnames should be just fine.  I might check this 
myself, but it is currently 7.30am, I've just got to work, and I'm 
still feeling sluggish.

I don't set a lot of jde varibles, and in fact, I think the three I 
listed above are the only ones you need worry about.  Certainly the 
jde-compile-option-* varibles will have no effect.  They only apply 
when running jde-compile which compile the Java file in the current 
buffer.  Beyond the three make variables, the only settings that will 
really matter are the contents of you Makefile, build.xml, batch 
file, whatever.

Craig McGeachie  | #include <cheesy_tag.h>
+61 (410) 774902 | while (!inebriated) c2h5oh = (++bottle)->contents;

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