>I did download the latest source files from the CVS web page (is that how I
>should obtain the beta release you mentioned)?  I did try it and I think
>this is a good solution, but I ran into a couple of difficulties.

>I could not compile the source with the latest Makefile file. I get the
>following error:

>/tools/emacs-site/ecb-1.40beta] make
>Byte-compiling ECB with LOADPATH=../semantic-1.4beta7 ../jde-2.2.8beta1/lisp
>emacs -batch -no-site-file -l ecb-compile-script --eval '(ecb-byte-compile
>Loading wid-browse...
>Symbol's value as variable is void: speedbar-dynamic-tags-function-list
>Signal 127
>make: *** [all] Error 255

Maybe you have a too old speedbar version installed. Which version of
speedbar you use?

>The other problem is that C-c . is bound in jde-mode to c-set-style, which I
>believe prevents using the C-c . as a prefix key.

C-c . is bound to c-set-style in cc-langs.el. Iīm using this too but for
me this doesnīt shadow the ECB prefix?! Maybe it related how and when you load
cc-mode?! I have a (require 'cc-mode) before the (require 'ecb).

But you are right. The prefix should be customizable and - what a luck - in the 
latest CVS sources it is (see option ecb-prefix-key).
You can download latest ECB sources from the CVS (available via ECB website)
and then you can configure the ECB prefix.
Current CVS sources are very stable!


-----Original Message-----
From: Berndl, Klaus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 3:57 AM
To: 'Louis Aloia'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Cc: 'ECB-Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Method Navigation

>1. use standard emacs search capabilities
>2. use jde classes menu
>3. use ecb methods buffer
>4. use find-tag
>5. use speedbar

>Here's why I don't like any of the above options.  Ecb and the jde classes
>menu require the mouse.  Mouse usage is inefficient.  Find-tag requires
>frequent updating of the tags file and requires knowing and correctly
>spelling the full method name.  Searching usually results in multiple hits
>due to method calls.  The speedbar shows variables and method names and
>takes up too much screen real estate.

I can only speak for ECB: latest ECB-beta (1.40beta2) from the CVS directory
is a minor-mode with itīs own keymap. therefore ECB now is very well usable
only with the keyboard. Example:
Jump with "C-c . m" in the method-window and then use there the special
ECB incremental-search feature (see "Working with the keyboard in the
of the online-help) to jump to a method/variable.

>Are there other ways to more efficiently locate a method?

Yes, for example senator-jump or the senator-incremental-search feature.

>Probably, but what I am looking for is described below.

>I would like to see the list of methods for the current buffer in the
>minibuffer by pressing some C-[some key].  While the list is presented in
>the minibuffer I can narrow the list of methods names that I am interested
>in by typing a portion of the method name.  Once I have the method name
>I am interested in at the head of the list I can select it with the enter
>key.  Selecting the method name takes me to the method declaration in the
>current buffer. This is similar to what is provided by ido.el and
>iswitchb.el packages which provide fast buffer and file switching.

>Is there anything like this in existence today?  If not, does anyone think
>this would be a good addition to the jde?

No. this would be a good feature but not to JDE, because such a feature is 

But with ECB you can get something similar like 'list-buffers' but for
variables. See section "Working with small screens:" in the online-help.
I know that you have not asked for small screens but IMHO this solution
fulfills your wishes very well.

But if you want to use the ECB-things i have described above you should
latest CVS-beta (itīs very stable).


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