
I customized (using customize) my JDEbug keys, assigning stepping methods to
my functions keys.  Here is what resulted in my .emacs file:

 '(jde-bug-key-bindings (quote (("[f6]" . jde-bug-step-over) ("[? ? ?]" .
jde-bug-step-over) ("[f7]" . jde-bug-step-into) ("[? ? ?]" .
jde-bug-step-into) ("[f8]" . jde-bug-step-into-all) ("[? ? ?]" .
jde-bug-step-into-all) ("[f9]" . jde-bug-step-out) ("[? ? ?]" .
jde-bug-step-out) ("[? ? ?]" . jde-bug-continue) ("[f10]" .
jde-bug-toggle-breakpoint) ("[? ? ?]" . jde-bug-toggle-breakpoint)
("[f11]" . jbr-jde-bug-kill-debugger))))

The unprintable characters, e.g. in jde-bug-step-over are:


First of all I will assume that the question mark treats the next two
characters as a single character, hence, the ^C is not a carrot and a
capital 'C', but, control-C, or 0x03.  The ^Z is 0x1A, the ^S a 0x13, etc.
The The only problem with the ^Z, embedded is that now I've placed an EOF
marker in the text before the *real* EOF.  Is there a different
representation I can use that will store the key binding in ASCII, not
binary, so when I use other non-Emacs tools, e.g. CVS, the file won't end


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