On Thursday 30 January 2003 12:21 am, Juergen Heidak wrote:
Thanks for both of you, yes, the problem is the destination not what I thought 
before the javadoc executable.

> You need to customize variable jde-javadoc-gen-destination-directory.
> (M-x customize-variable <Return> jde-javadoc-gen-destination-directory)
> This points to the directory where the html files created by javadoc
> will be stored. If the directory does not exist javadoc execution fails.
> "JavaDoc" is the default value.
> Am Mit, 2003-01-29 um 10.05 schrieb Mei Wu:
> > Hi,
> > In my first attempt on jdee,  I failed to generate javadoc for a java
> > file, I have customized the Jde Javadoc Command Path, but still it tries
> > to find the JavaDoc in the current file dir, the error it gives is :
> >
> >  no such file or directory,
> > /home/meiwu/java/demo/jfc/FileChooserDemo/src/JavaDoc
> >
> > Surely it should be javadoc, not JavaDoc, how could it try to use JavaDoc
> > ? Could anyone give me a clue ?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Mei

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