what about


Christian Mercat wrote:

Hi there,

I like the jde-junit-gen things, but shouldn't the template generator insert one (void) test case per method of the tested class, that's the way one is supposed to test, isn't it?

That is, if I am testing MyClass.java, with a method myMethod, it should insert a

public void testMyMethod(){

I know that one should design the tests while programming the method, but, well, you know, you end up with a big class and an empty test you have to fill.

It seems we are back to the same question I asked some time ago (about the creation a posteriori of an interface a given class implement): I need a template which will spit out a skeleton with empty methods duplicating the available methods of a given class. I know it's not hard to do since most of the work is already done in jde which has all the information, but it's in lisp and I am not good at it.

Once again, I could write a beanShell script like the previous


but it would be better to integrate it within jde.

Thanks, regards,

Christian Mercat

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