Actually, it just started working out of the
blue.  I didn't touch custom.el and it
started working.  Oh well :)

Thanks for responses!

---- On Thu, 6 Feb 2003, Paul Kinnucan

> otisg writes:
>  > Hello,
>  > 
>  > I just upgraded my JDE to version 1.43 (via
>  > the built-in stuff in the Options menu).
>  > I am using XEmacs on RH 7.3, installed from
>  > the RPM (xemacs-21.4.6-7).
>  > 
>  > After I upgraded I noticed that I can no
>  > longer do C-k (kill-line).  The error
>  > message that I get is:
>  > 
>  >     Wrong type argument: extentp, nil
>  > 
>  > I get the same error if I hit the DEL
key or
>  > if I try to kill a marked region with C-w.
>  > 
>  > Is this a known problem?
> No.
>  > What should I do to fix this? 
> Don't know. You don't give enough
information.  If you want my help,
> submit a full problem report, including
your XEmacs init file and a
> backtrace of the error.
>  > Is something
>  > in the new JDE hogging these keys or
>  > something similar?
>  > 
> No. The JDEE does not "hog" reserved keys.
> - Paul

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