Uncheck the JDE->Project->Auto Switch menu item.  Alternatively, you can
manually add the following line to your prj.el file.

    '(jde-project-context-switching-enabled-p nil) 

Hope this helps.

Chris Britton

-----Original Message-----
From: Karr, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 10:48 AM
Subject: Would be nice if "prj.el" didn't load until needed

One minor annoyance I find with JDEE is when I'm viewing two files, from two
different projects.  I'm writing code in one file, but I switch to the other
buffer to check how something was done, and then I go back to the other
buffer.  Each time I switch to each buffer, the "prj.el" for that project
loads (which I just use to set the global classpath).  Each of these takes a
couple of seconds to finish.  I wish there was a way to optimize this, so
that the "prj.el" only loads when it's necessary (or some compromise in that

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