>>>>> "James" == James Pharaoh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  James> Hi,

  James> I started using JDE recently and all was fine... As time goes
  James> on, however, it seems to take longer and longer to visit
  James> files.

  James> It takes about 15 seconds now, displaying the message at the
  James> bottom "Setting customized JDE variables to startup
  James> values...". The delay seems to be longer in directories with
  James> lots of source files in.

  James> Any ideas? This is not a slow computer!

It's always hard to judge on potential reasons for slowness, but in
this case I'll speculate. 

The project management system of JDEE has to reset quite a lot of
variables to their default values. I put some code in to speed this up
a while back. But if you have lots of variables set on a per project
basis, this will still take a long time. Is this true in your case? 

The solution would be to only use prj.el for those variables that
you need to differ between projects. 


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