Bill Rushmore writes:
 > --text follows this line--
 > Please enter the details of your bug report here
 > The JDEE Javadoc tool does not work on method signatures with Java 
 > 1.5 generics (i.e. List<String>).

Hi Bill,

Thanks for reporting this problem. I plan to address this and other
problems that people have reported after I finish restructuring the
JDEE's JDEbug and jdb interfaces. I've made a lot of progress on this 
effort and expect to finish it within the next two months at which
point I will release a beta of the next JDEE release.


 > Emacs  : GNU Emacs (sparc-sun-solaris2.10, X toolkit, Xaw3d 
 > scroll bars)
 >   of 2005-07-23 on hornet
 > Package: JDE version 2.3.5
 > Required packages: cedet-1.0beta3
 > current state:
 > ==============
 > (setq
 >   jde-gen-session-bean-template '("(jde-import-insert-imports-into-buffer " 
 > "  (list \"javax.ejb.*\""
 >                               "        \"java.rmi.RemoteException\"))" 
 > "'>"
 >                               "(jde-wiz-update-implements-clause 
 > \"SessionBean\")" "'>"
 >                               "(jde-gen-method-signature" " 
 > \"public\"" "  \"void\""
 >                               "  \"ejbActivate\"" "  nil" " 
 > \"RemoteException\"" " )" "'>"
 >                               "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" 
 > "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n"
 >                               "(jde-gen-method-signature" " 
 > \"public\"" "  \"void\""
 >                               "  \"ejbPassivate\"" "  nil" " 
 > \"RemoteException\"" " )" "'>"
 >                               "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" 
 > "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n"
 >                               "(jde-gen-method-signature" " 
 > \"public\"" "  \"void\"" "  \"ejbRemove\""
 >                               "  nil" "  \"RemoteException\"" " )" "'>" 
 > "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
 >                               "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n" 
 > "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\""
 >                               "  \"void\"" "  \"setSessionContext\"" " 
 > \"SessionContext ctx\""
 >                               "  \"RemoteException\"" " )" "'>" "(if 
 > jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)"
 >                               "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n" 
 > "(jde-gen-method-signature" "  \"public\""
 >                               "  \"void\"" "  \"unsetSessionContext\"" 
 > "  nil" "  \"RemoteException\""
 >                               " )" "'>" "(if jde-gen-k&r " " ()" " 'n)" 
 > "\"{\"'>'n" "\"}\"'>'n 'n" "'>")
 >   jde-gen-beep '("(end-of-line) '&" 
 > "\"Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();\"'>'n'>")
 >   jde-complete-signature-display '("Eldoc")
 >   jde-gen-equals-parens-around-expression nil
 >   jde-project-name "default"
 >   jde-which-method-format '("[" jde-which-method-current "]")
 >   jde-run-classic-mode-vm nil
 >   jde-complete-unique-method-names nil
 >   jde-find-granularity '("Character")
 >   jde-which-method-max-length 20
 >   jde-javadoc-gen-nodeprecatedlist nil
 >   jde-imenu-include-classdef t
 >   jde-javadoc-gen-link-online nil
 >   jde-complete-display-result-type

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