Hi Michael,

On May 25, 2005, at 2:32 AM, Michael Watzek wrote:

Hi Craig,

2) Furthermore, we add 2 methods to class JDOTest which may be used for registering persistence capable instances and persistence capable classses. The default implementation of localTearDown() cleans up all registered persistent data.
We need method names. I'm thinking that we add tear down instances and classes. So, addTearDownInstance(Object) and addTearDownClass(Class). Or just registerTearDown(Object) where the parameter might be a persistent object, an oid, or a class.
What about this:



3) We change all tests in order to comply to 1) and 2).
This needs just a bit of extra thought. Some test cases assume that there are some instances in the database and if there are none, create some. It's not clear that there is any issue for these cases, so we should not arbitrarily clean up.
In a first step, I suggest to adapt all life cycle tests. If there are life cycle tests relying on the execution of other life cycle tests, then I'll take care that those tests set up the database properly. If there are non-life cycle tests, relying on the execution of life cycle tests, then those tests will fail. In that case, I'll adapt those tests also.



What do you think?
Michael Watzek                  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Engineering GmbH
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Buelowstr. 66
Tel.:  ++49/30/235 520 36       10783 Berlin - Germany
Fax.:  ++49/30/217 520 12       http://www.spree.de/

Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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