Attendees: Michelle Caisse, Martin Zaun, Michael Watzek, Michael Bouschen, Geoff Hendrey, Craig Russell


1. Test status (Michael W., Michelle) JDO-61 started. Test case fails because a graph of persistent instances still fails on 17-Jun-2005. Assigned to Erik. Duplicate key cleanup issue SecondClassObjectsTrackTheirChanges. Michael sent out a patch for JDO-54 and included a list of errors. Some test cases failed with same error. 

AI: Michael W make sure tests clean up, and make sure all failing tests have JIRA issues.

13 failures, 77 errors on latest JPOX nightly build.

2. TestRunner status(Michelle) Basically works. Now, make sure it's functional and check it in. Need to have the "schema" metadata enabled. Meantime, use the JPOX extension. First test to use the new test runner will be the mapping.CompletenessTest.

3. JPOX fixes/issues (Erik) no status.

4. Apache account for Michael W (Craig) The vote passes, and now AI: Craig has to bug Geir.

5. Double-check locking in the PMF (Martin) Changed in Glassfish workspace, needs to check into ri11 and runtime20.

6. Detached objects (Matthew) no change

7. The jdo-dev alias seems to be seriously sluggish. For now, suggest that time-sensitive discussions include cc: to concerned parties; but keep the jdo-dev alias for recordkeeping.

8. A persistent class can have a persistent property. There is no writeup for this case. 

9. JDO-54 Craig proposes to create a new pc.icompany package that will contain only interfaces for the company model. The interfaces would not have any relationship to the package classes. 

Action Items from weeks past:

[Jun 3 2005] AI: Michael file a JIRA for upgrading the enhancer tests to JDO 2. 

AI XML Schema (Brian T) no change.

AI JDO API release on ibiblio (Brian T) no change.

[May 20 2005] AI: Craig file JIRA bug and fix this. Can test cases rely on JDOHelper for state interrogation of non-binary-compatibility classes? Yes, but the  JDO 2.0 JDOImplHelper class has not implemented the functionality yet.

[April 15 2005] AI Brian Topping will update the wiki to tell how to access our releases area.

[April 15 2005] AI Brian Topping will do the maven goal for creating and uploading the snapshots. He will create a directory parallel to trunk called "releases" and put the snapshots there.

[April 15 2005] AI Matthew will create a directory in the tck.api.persistencemanager called detach in which he will have complete freedom to implement the assertions in the detach section of the specification.

[April 22 2005] AI Craig will resolve what happens if an application identity field is changed while the object is detached.

[April 22 2005] AI Craig will resolve the serialization contract for a Detachable class so that implementations interoperate.

[May 13 2005] AI Brian Topping will implement pushing SNAPSHOT builds of the project to ibiblio.

[May 13 2005] AI Brian Topping will arrange for automated nightly builds.

[May 13 2005] AI Martin Zaun will investigate JSR 294 (Java 5) to see impact on enhancer.

[May 20 2005] AI Craig to define the JCP distributions and see if maven can help.

Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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