Hi Craig,

[x] approve

Regards Michael


A straightforward implementation of makePersistent will obtain the value of the identity object by delegating to jdoNewObjectIdInstance of the instance to be made persistent. This is the specified behavior: A7.12-38 [For classes using single field identity, this method must be called on an instance of a persistence-capable class with its primary key field initialized (not null), or a JDOFatalInternalException is thrown.] The simple enhanced method will delegate to, e.g. new IntIdentity passing the null field as the argument. This results in a NullPointerException that needs to be caught by the enhanced code.

Proposal: Change the behavior of the SingleFieldIdentity classes to throw JDONullIdentityFieldException. This allows a straightforward implementation of enhanced classes to support single field identity.

[ ] approve

[ ] disapprove. Why?



Craig Russell

Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo

408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

Michael Bouschen                [EMAIL PROTECTED] Engineering GmbH
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://www.tech.spree.de/
Tel.:++49/30/235 520-33         Buelowstr. 66                   
Fax.:++49/30/2175 2012          D-10783 Berlin                  

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