Thank you for blazing the trail, Michael. I have added this information to the Wiki page.

-- Michelle

Michael Bouschen wrote:


some more remarks about the Subversion Win32 version:
- The windows version stores configuration files under
  C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Subversion.
The cygwin version stores these files under ~/.subversion.
After switching to the windows version I could not check in, because of an authorization failure when accessing I could fix this by copying the file servers and the directory auth to the windows location. - The windows version uses the backslash as the path separator when displaying file names, e.g. in the output of svn status. You cannot just copy and paste this file name to another svn command (e.g. svn diff) when running from within a bash (the the bash requires slashes). You need to enclose the file name into double quotes.

Regards Michael

Hi Michelle,

thanks for the info, this is very helpful!

I agree we should skip the svn:executable flag from the files in the repository. What about the script from tck20/test/sql/derby? I think shell scripts should be executable. However, I think we do not need this script anymore, so let's remove it.

I installed the Subversion 1.2.3 Win32 binaries as you suggested and it works fine. I decided to remove the subversion component from my cvgwin installation instead of renaming the svn executable. I'm not sure whether svn comes with dlls which also need to be renamed.

Would it make sense to add your findings to our SubVersion wiki page ? I hope to get more contributors and committers and they would run into the same problem if they use svn from cygwin.

Regards Michael

Hi Michelle,

And thanks for running this down.

I don't believe that the JDO project ships anything for which the executable flag needs to be on. We use maven for executing stuff, and if maven doesn't care if the -x bit is on, we should not either.

So I agree that the svn:executable flag is just a distraction and we should remove it from the project. And keep from adding it in future.


On Aug 31, 2005, at 4:20 PM, Michelle Caisse wrote:


There has been discussion here about the Windows subversion client automatically assigning the executable property to non-executable files. I believe I have a solution for this. I also suggest that we clean up the executable properties currently in the repository.


Subversion carries executable information in the built-in property called svn:executable. This property, unlike others, may be present or absent, but it has no value. You can add it or delete it, but but you cannot change it.

In theory, subversion ignores Windows file permissions; by default svn:executable is not set. In fact, cygwin svn acts like Unix svn and determines the svn:executable property based on file permissions..

If you create a file via the cygwin command line, by default it is executable only if the filename ends with .bat, .com or .exe*, or if its content starts with #!. [That's what the doc says, but even in these cases I get -x.] If you create a file via a Windows tool by default its Windows permissions are executable by all and cygwin interprets the Unix-style permissions this way as well. If the file is executable by all, cygwin svn sets the svn:executable property on the file.


(1) I suggest that we run
    svn propdel -R svn:executable .
from jdo to remove the svn:executable property from all of the files in all the projects in the repository and check in the cleansed files.

(2) I suggest that Windows/cygwin users who don't want to have to think about using svn propdel or chmod use a non-cygwin version of svn. I installed the Subversion 1.2.3 Win32 binaries from the link at the bottom of It seems to work fine. You will have to add the svn.exe location to your Windows PATH variable, of course. You will also need to rename the svn in your cygwin install to something else because when svn is invoked from a cygwin window, the cygwin version is found even if your cygwin/bin directory is later on the path.

Alternatively, Windows users could set file permissions in Windows Explorer. (Right-click on the top-level folder & select Properties. Select the Security tab. Click Advanced. Remove all instances of Read & Execute from the Permission Entries. Click "Reset permissions on all child objects and enable propogations of inheritable permissions". Click Apply. OK. OK.) You would have to do this again when you do a clean checkout. Comments?

-- Michelle

Craig Russell

Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System

408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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