Attendees: Michael Bouschen, Tilmann Zäschke, Craig Russell

NOTE: Next meeting is a day early: April 28 9:00 AM PDT


1. JDO-750 "Change development environment to JDK 1.8"

Since 3.2 needs Java8 we could put it into the specification.

2. JDO-751 "Support for Java8 Optional"

Discussed use of “naked” Optional as a field type. Probably could support this 
but would need extra metadata in the .jdo file or annotations.

Also could support Optional<Object> in the same way.

It looks like we currently have no negative test cases for enhancement that 
would catch e.g. Optional<Optional<T>>. 

3. JDO-747 "Behavior of delete() with multiple concurrent Transactions"

Tilmann suggests adding rows to the table with 
persistent-nontransactional-dirty. AI Craig propose a change for this table.

4. JDO 3.1: Need to go through change lists in JIRA for 3.1 RC1 and 3.1 to 
prepare JCP Change Log
5. JDO social media properties (see email from Matthew)

Michael now has access to the javadataobjects@gmail account which is linked to 
the google+ account. 

6. Other issues

Action Items from weeks past:
[Oct 30 2015] AI Craig: File a maintenance review with JCP
[May 15 2015] AI Craig Spec change for roll back an active transaction when 
closing a persistence manager (JDO-735)  
[Apr 17 2015] AI Craig: Oracle spec page on JDO need to be updated once the JCP 
Maintenance Release for JDO 3.1 is published
[Oct 17 2014] AI Matthew any updates for "Modify specification to address NoSQL 
[Feb 28 2014] AI Everyone: take a look at
[Feb 28 2014] AI Everyone: take a look at
[Dec 13 2013] AI Craig file a JIRA for java.sql.Blob and java.sql.Clob as 
persistent field types
[Aug 24 2012] AI Craig update the JIRAs JDO-689 JDO-690 and JDO-692 about 
JDOHelper methods. In process.

Craig L Russell
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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