As a user, here's what I would expect to work:

        public interface Person {}

        public class MyPerson implements Person {}

        public class Main {
                public static void main(String... args) {
PersistenceManagerFactory pmf = JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory("");
                        PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();
                        pm.makePersistent(new MyPerson());  // persist the 
concrete type

                        Query query = pm.newQuery(Person.class);  // query by 
the interface
                        Person person = (Person)query.execute();

                        assert person instanceof MyPerson == true;

This does not work, however (at least with JPOX). My instanceof assertion at bottom fails, because person is actually a type generated by the implementation (PersonImpl in the case of JPOX). While I understand that this class generation approach may have some uses, I'm actually dealing with I believe is a much simpler use case that doesn't seem to be supported: I simply want to be able to persist an instance of a concrete type and subsequently query for that object by it's interface.

Am I missing something? Note that I'm not looking for any JPOX- specific tips here; just some guidance on usage per the spec.


- Chris

Chris Beams

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