On Jul 1, 2009, at 12:22 PM, Andy Jefferson wrote:

QueryDSL already does that for JDOQL

Thanks for the pointer, Andy. QueryDSL looks cool but I'm not certain it's exactly what I'm looking for. In fact, their type-safe objects may be too extreme for my purposes.

My general use case is that I present a GUI to the user with a large number of potential search criteria. When they hit the search criteria I want to build a query based upon what they have entered/selected. This query may involve complex nesting of ands and ors, which is one of the main problems I am trying to solve. I have hacked together something that generally works and is able to translate into a JDOQL query, but I was hoping that better minds had looked at the issue. Usually I am building the query on the fly - I rarely do preassembled queries based upon a specific query class.

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