I think =?iso-8859-1?Q?Diego_Alonso_Gonz=E1lez?= wrote:

> I'm really confused, by "shadow" concept.

There are two kinds of definstances: static and dynamic. Dynamic ones
use PropertyChangeEvents, static ones don't. If you use (modify) in
Jess, both kinds of JavaBeans will be immediately updated. But it
doesn't necessarily work the other way -- i.e., if you call setFoo()
on a JavaBean that's a static definstance, Jess won't hear about
it. Jess will, on the other hand, know instantly about changes to a
dynamic definstance. 

But to answer your actual question: if you modify any kind of shadow
fact, the associated JavaBean is always immediately updated, so all
clients of that one Bean object will see the changes immediately.

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
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Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
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