
I am trying to modify an unordered fact to store an average weight. I have
the following rule to try and do this:

(defrule avgweight
;Give this rule with a high salience, so it always fires first
(declare (salience 100))
?aw <- (average-weight (averageweight ?X))
(LoadCellSensor1 (mass ?mass1))
(LoadCellSensor2 (mass ?mass2))
(LoadCellSensor3 (mass ?mass3))
(LoadCellSensor4 (mass ?mass4))
(bind ?*totalweight* (+ ?mass1 ?mass2 ?mass3 ?mass4))
(bind ?*averageweight* (/ ?*totalweight* 4))
(bind ?*averageweight* (- ?*averageweight* 0.5))
(modify ?aw (averageweight ?*averageweight*))
(printout t "Total weight is: " ?*totalweight* ", and average weight is: "
?*averageweight* crlf)

Which I interpreted as 'if any of the shadow facts are updated, and for any
current value of the average-weight fact, recalculate the ?*averageweight*
global and modify the average-weight fact with the new value'.
Without the pattern match on the average-weight fact and subsequent
modification, this rule seems to work fine, simply updating the global each
time any of the shadow facts is updated. However, with the average-weight
fact included as above, everything goes mad and this rule just seems to fire
constantly! Am I performing the modification wrong?

Thanks for all your help


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