I think mauricio rincon wrote:
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> Hi...
> I have a problem with OR (v) operator. I_m using this operator in a rule, 
> that should be fired only once when both of the conditions happened . The 
> problem is that if both events are happening, the rule fires twice. example;
> (defrule names (or (name mao) (name july)) => (printout "hello world"))
> I_m getting: hello world
>                  hello world

In this particular case the solution is simple: use the 'or'
connective constraint, not the 'or' conditional element:

(defrule names (name mao|july) => (printout "hello world"))

In the general case, when the 'or' conditional element is really
needed, the solution is to make sure that when the rule fires, it has
some detectable effect, and then match the negation of that effect on the
left-hand-side of the rule; trivially

(defrule names
  (or (name mao) (name july))
  (not (names fired))                   
  (assert (names fired))
  (printout "hello world"))

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
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