Metaknowledge - a higher level of knowledge. Knowledge about knowledge. Rules about rules. There's your key, not salience (sometimes called priority.) It is FAR more difficult to write a program, an entire KB, using flows, rule sets, metaknowledge, meta- meta-knowledge, etc., than to use salience. Remember, using salience is like a "goto" in BASIC; it makes the program extremely fragile. If you determine another level of salience, or if one is wrong, then the entire thing must be re-designed and re-worked. Way too much time spent trying to figure out which one goes first and if we need to change the salience of one so that it "fits" better with the overall design. Yeeech!

"I've been young and I've been old and I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread." Not entirely appropriate, but a "properly designed" rulebase that uses flows (rule trees, whatever) for control is far more flexible and powerful in that each set of rules belong to a certain agendum, a goal as it were. Using goal-oriented programming and sets of rules based on those goals will keep you out of trouble. After all, that's approximately how the human brain thinks. Finally, sometimes, in the "real world" salience is necessary. But not more than two or three levels.

Well, I haven't said anything on Jess Users group for a year and now I've written two emails in one week. It's Saturday - a day of rest and relaxation over here. The sun is out, it's quite warm for a winter day so maybe I'll go walking in the park later after a leisurely breakfast and catch up on my reading. TTFN


James C. Owen
Senior Consultant
"Never give up.  Never give up.  Never, never, never give up."
From a speech by former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, during the most trying times of the British Empire; a great leader too soon forgotten by his country after keeping it from being swallowed up by the Nazi Empire during the second world war.

On Jan 14, 2006, at 2:35 AM, Yura wrote:

Yes, that's all true. But I think that only really simple domains can be described using plain rulesets. Unfortunately, I don't know any non- salience
way to represent metaknowledge in CLIPS-like systems.


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