I think Eric W. Bonnett wrote:
>       Hmm, I don't think so. Copy\paste! :) I should have mentioned it
> before, I'm using the publicly available version 6.1p4 that I downloaded
> based on instructions in the book.

On the off chance that there was something about this version, I tried
it myself -- but it worked fine. Here's the program I ran:

(deftemplate SomethingIWant "Stuff I want"
    (slot Name (default Whatever) )
    (slot Price (default 10) )
    (slot Priority (default 0) )
    (slot Selected (default false) )

(defrule items-to-buy
  ?ItemFound <- (SomethingIWant   (Name ?ItemName)
                                  (Price ?ItemPrice)
                                  (Priority ?ItemPriority1)
                                  (Selected false ) )
  (not (SomethingIWant (Selected false) (Priority ?p&:(< ?p ?ItemPriority1))))
  (printout t  "Found: " ?ItemName ", " ?ItemPrice ", " ?ItemPriority1 crlf)
  (modify ?ItemFound (Selected true) )

        (Name "TiVo")
        (Price 200)
        (Priority 1)

        (Name "Tires")
        (Price 800)
        (Priority 1)

        (Name "Carb")
        (Price 400)
        (Priority 1)

        (Name "DVD Burner")
        (Price 400)
        (Priority 5)

        (Name "Wheels")
        (Price 1000)
        (Priority 2)

        (Name "shocks")
        (Price 900)
        (Priority 2)


And here's the output:

Found: Carb, 400, 1
Found: Tires, 800, 1
Found: TiVo, 200, 1
Found: shocks, 900, 2
Found: Wheels, 1000, 2
Found: DVD Burner, 400, 5

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Advanced Software Research          Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
PO Box 969, MS 9012                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Livermore, CA 94550         http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov

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