Hi there!

  Are you familiar with JessTab? I guess you want to be able to do with
Java-only code what you do with JessTab from within Protigi, right?

Basically it involves:
- creating a new Jess Rete instance from your Java code [Rete engine = new
- loading the JessTab functions into this instance
[engine.addUserpackage(new JessTabFunctions())  or
engine.executeCommand("(load-package JessTab.JessTabFunctions)")].

Having done that,

- load your Protigi project into this Jess-JessTab instance
[engine.executeCommand("(load-project  foo.pprj)")]
- and your rules using the Jess API [batch.batch("bar.clp", engine)] (NOTE:
batch is a jess.Batch object).

  You have access to the protege.model.Project object with the
"JessTab.getProtegeKB().getProject()" method. "JessTab.getProtegeKB()", as
you might have guessed, returns the protege.model.KnowledgeBase. You can
then use the Protigi API (or simply JessTab calls to the Rete object using
"executeCommand") to manipulate your knowledge-base and run an inference.

  If you go to http://www.ida.liu.se/~her/JessTab/ and download the updated
JessTab pdf, you'll have new information that Henrik Eriksson (JessTab's
developer) recently updated concerning this type of use between


Antonio J. Falcao
CRI - Centro de Robotica Inteligente

Quinta da Torre
2829-516 Caparica

Tel.:   +351 21 294 9625 (direct)
GSM: +351 91 421 2930

----- Original Message -----
From: "Karen Fox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:30 PM
Subject: JESS: Using Protege, Java and Jess

> I'm just starting to get familiar with the Java APIs for Protege's
> Knowledge Base and Jess.  I am able to bring in the Knowledge Base and
> iterate it out through Java, but how do I access that knowledge with the
> Jess commands via Java?  Basically, is there a certain way to pass the
> Knowledge Base to the Jess calls?
> I appreciate any help.  I haven't been able to find any samples of this.
>  Thank you.
> Karen Fox
> The MITRE Corporation
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