
Using Jess to test Java code is significantly different than using JUnit
to test Jess rules.  It should prove interesting, to say the least.  :-)

James C. Owen
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
Senior Consultant

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Brad Cox, Ph.D.
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 12:38 PM
Subject: RE: JESS: Newbie needs help

On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 11:43, James Owen wrote:
> As one who has used JUnit to test rules in a production environment:
> Yes, you can write JUnit classes for testing purposes to test the
> However, as the number of rules and the number of variable increase
> number of test cases rise dramatically.  Geometrically to be more
> specific.  Or is that exponentially?  Either way, it's a TON of test
> cases.

Yes, but I'm going at it the other way around, using Jess rules to
organize/apply test cases to Java code, not using Java test cases to
test a rule base. Arguably the same thing in the long run but it still
seems different somehow.

Think of inspection gauges in musket manufacturing. There was a rules
base (the inspector), a box of unorganized test cases (box of inspection
gauges), and a stream of implementations (musket parts) that might or
might not comply with their specification. They never tried to build
gauges to test every possible dimension; just "critical dimensions",
intelligently selected, relying on inspectors "common sense" for
everything else. 

If it was feasible to build life-critical systems that way (things that
can literally blow up in your face), seems like we (software) might give
it a shot too.

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