Not to be a nit-picker, but  the Ph.D. dissertation was 1979.  The 1982 reference is a four-pager in AI magazine that had, basically, the same title.  Since then, to my knowledge, Dr. Forgy has not published anything on the subject of the Rete algorithm.






-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dusan Sormaz
Wednesday, November 05, 2003 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: JESS: Help on Jess under the hood! :) ..


Mechanism for saving patterns and matchings is rete network. Done by Charels Forgy in his dissertation (1982-3).
Good explanation in JIA book, chapter 8.

Dusan Sormaz

At 05:56 PM 11/5/2003 -0600, you wrote:

Hi everybody ...

Let assume the following rule base rb, function "save", and working memory wm:

rb = {
   (defrule r1
   (foo ?x ?y)
   (bar ?y ?z)
   (save ?x ?y ?z))

wm = {(foo p q), (bar q w), (bar q t)}.

Now, it  is easy to see that the first and second facts in wm, (foo p q) (bar q w), filter all the way down to the bottom of the rete network, associated to this example, and then become a new activation record. In other words when rule r1 fires, then the tuple {p,q,w} is going to be saved. Right ... based on the current example:

Q1.  What kind of data structure Jess uses for partially storing the facts (foo p q) (bar q w) activating r1?
Q2. Given that the facts  (foo p q) (bar q t) activate r1 as well, which  Jess' method (class) is in charge of iterating over the working memory for finding more facts, like (bar q t),  that activate r1 as well?
Q3. How, tecnically speaking,  Jess manages for not testing again facts which were already used for activating a rule?

Q4. By looking at this example one can see that the fact (foo p q) is in some sense partially kept in Jess' mind  in order to test facts like (bar q w) and (bar q t) which can activate rule r1. Therefore my question is which strategy, tecnically speaking, is implemented in Jess for partially keeping in mind facts such as (foo p q) in order to test complementary facts such as (bar q w), (bar q t)  that could potencially activate a given rule?

Finally, regarding Q4 I know that the overall proccess can be explained via a forward chaining. Nevertheless, how Jess under the hood deals with this issues?

thank you
Jose Antonio

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* Dušan Šormaz, PhD, Associate Professor                     
* Ohio University
* Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department
* 277 Stocker Center, Athens, OH 45701-2979
* phone: (740) 593-1545
* fax:   (740) 593-0778 
* url:

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