Ernest would not say this.  Read The Fabulous Manual.  Read "Jess In Action" - commonly known as JIA.  Try the examples.  Read another book or two.  Honestly, all of this is explained in exquisite detail in both the manual that comes with Jess and in JIA.  Your thinking must be changed such that you are asking the question,

Is there any X such that X.a == n
    AND X.b == m
THEN do something really cool

Rather than thinking of an inference engine as a series of IF-THEN-ELSE statements, write the code like you actually think about a situation.  Non-technical people find using an inference engine "relatively" easy because they don't have to un-learn procedural thinking of the normal programming paradigm.  Just my 2p.  :-)


bhaskar yallala wrote:

Hi folks,

Is there a way to break a complex rule in to simpel rules JESS?

How can I make it to fire a rule LHS of defrule? Is it by assert ? I was trying this but it says bad slot value!


Any ideas?



Thanks and regards,


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