I think that Dan Malka wrote:
>> i would like to know, how to test a multislot if it's fill or not.
>> what kind of function may i use?

Hi Dan,
If you mean that you want to know if a multislot has any values, you
could use the length$ function.  For example:

;; Let ?x be any variable that holds a list

(if (= (length$ ?x) 0) then
; Do something interesting

An admittedly contrived Jess script that uses this might be:
;;================ dan.clp ====================
(watch all)

(deftemplate foo
 (slot id)
 (multislot data))

(defrule delete-empty-foos
"Retracts all foo facts with no data"
 ?f <- (foo (data $?data&:(= (length$ $?data) 0)))
 (retract ?f))

(assert (foo (id abc123)))

If you run this batch file, Jess prints out:

MAIN::delete-empty-foos: +1+1+1+1+t
==> Focus MAIN
==> f-0 (MAIN::initial-fact)
==> f-1 (MAIN::foo (id abc123) (data ))
==> Activation: MAIN::delete-empty-foos :  f-1
FIRE 1 MAIN::delete-empty-foos f-1
<== f-1 (MAIN::foo (id abc123) (data ))
<== Focus MAIN

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