I think Peter Lin wrote:
> it is because you're doing combinatorial pattern matching. that rule
> is telling the engine to match every new instance with all existing
> facts.

Jess is actually pretty smart about this. It does far fewer actual
comparisons than you'd expect due to indexing in working memory.

But if you read the O.P.'s question again, you'll see that what should
be a trivial change (modifying the data type of a slot) can have a
drastic effect on the runtime of the program. And indeed, I tried
reproducing this and was able to do so easily. I don't know why this
is, yet; I'll report back later.

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Advanced Software Research          Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
PO Box 969, MS 9012                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Livermore, CA 94550         http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov

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