Noel Huebers wrote
 (defquery searchcontext
   (declare (variables ?name ?task ?val))
        (username ?name)
        (action "Bewertet")
        (task ?task)
        (value ?val)))

 Now I want to delete the some facts. How do I get a fact from the
 queryresult '?result' ?

 ;(deffunction delformerattempts(?n ?t ?v)
 ;    (bind ?results (run-query* searchcontext ?n ?t ?v))
 ;    (while (?results next))
 ;    (retract ?results get))

All you have to do is extend the pattern in the query with a binding for the entire fact:

(defquery searchcontext
  (declare (variables ?name ?task ?val))
  ?context <- (context
      (username ?name)
      (action "Bewertet")
      (task ?task)
      (value ?val)))

And then you access it with the get method:
(deffunction delformerattempts (?n ?t ?v)
   (bind ?results (run-query* searchcontext ?n ?t ?v))
   (while (?results next)
     (retract (?results get context ))))

But wouldn't it be more convenient to rearrange things so that the context fact maintains a counter, with new "Bewertet" events being counted right there. Here's how:


(deftemplate Base   (slot username)(slot action)(slot value)(slot task))
(deftemplate Context extends Base (slot count (default 1)))
(deftemplate Event   extends Base (slot stamp ))

(defrule IncrementCount
   ?event <- (Event (username ?s)(action "Bewertet")(value ?v)(task ?t))
?context <- (Context (username ?s)(action "Bewertet")(value ?v)(task ?t)(count ?c))
   (modify ?context (count (++ ?c)))
   (retract ?event)

(defrule FirstTime
   ?event <- (Event (username ?s)(action "Bewertet")(value ?v)(task ?t))
   (not (Context (username ?s)(action "Bewertet")(value ?v)(task ?t)))
   (assert (Context (username ?s)(action "Bewertet")(value ?v)(task ?t)))
   (retract ?event)

(deffacts ecs
(Event (username "Max")(action "Bewertet")(value "3")(task "Thesis")(stamp 1)) (Event (username "Max")(action "Bewertet")(value "3")(task "Thesis")(stamp 2)) (Event (username "Max")(action "Bewertet")(value "3")(task "Thesis")(stamp 3))



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