Nothing so fancy  :).  All I'm currently doing is simply allocating
new process instances based on a target number of instances - either
adding or subtracting - on various hosts.  Kind of a quick and dirty
allocation scheme for a demo.

On Feb 20, 2008, at 8:02 AM, Peter Lin wrote:

sounds like the rule is handling join/fork from a BPM graph?

On Feb 20, 2008 10:24 AM, Hal Hildebrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I only posted an abstraction to figure out my problem, leaving out
the other details.  What I'm doing is essentially modeling workflow
which manages to some target number of instances, so the fact in
question is further qualified by other attributes as you have

On Feb 20, 2008, at 6:29 AM, Jason Morris wrote:

Hi Hal, Peter & Wolfgang,

>> The proposed solution does not compare a length with
foo.desired, and binding of a multislot vaue should use a variable
starting with $?.

Hal, since you said you were satisfied with Peter's solution, I
never posted my reply which anticipated Wolfgang's almost verbatim.
However, if you really want what Peter was advocating then there is
a bit more to it I think.  You have to recall that Jess doesn't
allow multiple facts to have identical slot values -- that means
that no two foo facts could have the exact same multislot list and
desired value.  You may need this in your application, so you'd
need some other slot like (slot id) to differentiate your facts.
Also, Peter's version would fire twice for each pair of foo facts
that had the same slot length, which is not what you want I'd think.

The implementation below addresses these issues.


;; list-len.clp ;;
(watch all)

(deftemplate foo (slot id) (multislot my-list) (slot desired))

(deffacts init
    (foo (id 1) (my-list 1 2 3 4))
    (foo (id 2) (my-list a b c d))
    (foo (id 3) (my-list 5 6 7 8))
    (foo (id 4) (my-list e f g h)))

(defrule myrule
    ; Find a foo fact...
    (foo (id ?id1) (my-list $?list1))
    ; ...and another fact of different id where the list lengths
are the same...
    (foo (id ?id2&~?id1) (my-list $?list2&:(= (length$ ?list2)
(length$ ?list1))))
    ; ...such that we have not examined this pair of foo facts
    (not (has-fired ?id1 ?id2))
    ; Assert that this pair has been processed with a little logic
    (assert (has-fired ?id2 ?id1))
    (printout t "Lists lengths in foo facts " ?id1 " and " ?id2 "
are equal!" crlf))

:: Program

;MAIN::myrule: +1+1+1+2+1+1+2+t
; ==> Focus MAIN
; ==> f-0 (MAIN::initial-fact)
; ==> f-1 (MAIN::foo (id 1) (my-list 1 2 3 4) (desired nil))
; ==> f-2 (MAIN::foo (id 2) (my-list a b c d) (desired nil))
;==> Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-2, f-1,
;==> Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-1, f-2,
; ==> f-3 (MAIN::foo (id 3) (my-list 5 6 7 8) (desired nil))
;==> Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-3, f-1,
;==> Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-3, f-2,
;==> Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-1, f-3,
;==> Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-2, f-3,
; ==> f-4 (MAIN::foo (id 4) (my-list e f g h) (desired nil))
;==> Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-4, f-1,
;==> Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-4, f-2,
;==> Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-4, f-3,
;==> Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-1, f-4,
;==> Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-2, f-4,
;==> Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-3, f-4,
;FIRE 1 MAIN::myrule f-3, f-4,
; ==> f-5 (MAIN::has-fired 4 3)
;<== Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-4, f-3,
;Lists lengths in foo facts 3 and 4 are equal!
;FIRE 2 MAIN::myrule f-4, f-2,
; ==> f-6 (MAIN::has-fired 2 4)
;<== Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-2, f-4,
;Lists lengths in foo facts 4 and 2 are equal!
;FIRE 3 MAIN::myrule f-1, f-4,
; ==> f-7 (MAIN::has-fired 4 1)
;<== Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-4, f-1,
;Lists lengths in foo facts 1 and 4 are equal!
;FIRE 4 MAIN::myrule f-3, f-2,
; ==> f-8 (MAIN::has-fired 2 3)
;<== Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-2, f-3,
;Lists lengths in foo facts 3 and 2 are equal!
;FIRE 5 MAIN::myrule f-3, f-1,
; ==> f-9 (MAIN::has-fired 1 3)
;<== Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-1, f-3,
;Lists lengths in foo facts 3 and 1 are equal!
;FIRE 6 MAIN::myrule f-1, f-2,
; ==> f-10 (MAIN::has-fired 2 1)
;<== Activation: MAIN::myrule :  f-2, f-1,
;Lists lengths in foo facts 1 and 2 are equal!
; <== Focus MAIN

Jason Morris
Morris Technical Solutions LLC

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