Hi Henrique,

Do you need more than what this code does?
This example does not interfere with rule firing order or fool with

;; focus.clp

;(watch all)

(defmodule module-1)

(defrule in-module-1
   (printout t "Now in module-1" crlf))

(defmodule module-2)

(defrule in-module-2
   (printout t "Now in module-2 and asserting a (foo)" crlf)
   (assert (MAIN::foo)))

(defmodule module-k)

(defrule in-module-k
   (printout t "Now in module-k" crlf))

(defmodule module-controller)

(defrule switch-to-module-k
    (declare (auto-focus TRUE))
    (printout t "Foo detected in MAIN ... switching to module-k now!" crlf)
    (focus module-k))

(defmodule module-n)

(defrule in-module-n
   (printout t "Resuming focus stack in module-n" crlf)

; Program
(focus module-1 module-2 module-n)

Jess> (batch "focus.clp")
Now in module-1
Now in module-2 and asserting a (foo)
Foo detected in MAIN ... switching to module-k now!
Now in module-k
Resuming focus stack in module-n


On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 8:41 AM, Henrique Lopes Cardoso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> Some time ago I discussed the possibility of using auto-focus in a
> module definition, instead of in each single rule in a module.
> I was told that was not possible, but that it was a good idea.
> Are you planning to include this feature?
> This would be interesting especially when using modules merely as a way
> of organizing rules, while not interfering with rule-firing order, and
> not messing up with salience.
> Henrique
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Jason Morris
Morris Technical Solutions LLC

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