It's been more than a month for me trying frustaingly to install the JessDE
on Eclipse but they all failed. To install JessDE, I've downloaded
both the "Eclipse Classic 3.4" and the "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers"
from the Eclipse website, then saved them both on my desktop, installed and
ran Eclipse. After exitting Eclipse, for each Eclipse version, I coppied all
the files from Jess70/eclipse and pasted in my Desktop/eclipse file, then
extracted them. When I checked the Desktop/eclipse/plugins, but the
did not appear, nor did any of the other gov.sandia... files exist under
their corresponding directories. Therefore, no such Jess logo appeared in
the Eclipse>Help>About Eclipse Platform. I even tried transferring the Jess
files to their Eclipse directories manually but they still didn't show up in
the Plugin Details under Eclipse>Help>About Eclipse Platform.
Could anyone tell me where I'm wrong.
Where is the "top-level Eclipse installation directory" meant to be?
Is extracting a file equavalent to unzipping a file ("unzip" was not an
option for the files, only "extract" was there)?
Once Jess does function in Eclipse, how do we open/create a *.clp file in
Thank you

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