I would like to have functions contained in the slot value of a fact
and then apply them.  I can create and assign the function values by
using (lambda ...), which seems to be what I'm looking for on that
side of the equation:

(deftemplate functional-fact
    (slot func)

(assert (functional-fact (func (lambda (?x) (> 1 ?x)))))

However, the question becomes how do I actually call this function?
What I would like to do is use these in test CE:

(deftemplate functional-fact
    (slot func)

(assert (functional-fact (func (lambda (?x) (> 1 ?x)))))

(defrule test-me
    (functional-fact (func ?function))
    (test (?function 0))
    (printout t "1 > 0" crlf))

However, this does not work as I would expect instead failing with:

Jess reported an error in routine call
       while executing (call ?function 0)
       while executing 'test' CE
       while executing rule LHS (TECT).
  Message: No method named '0' found in class jess.Deffunction.
  Program text: ( defrule test-me ( functional-fact ( func ?
function ) ) ( test ( ?function 0 ) ) = > ( printout t "1 > 0"
crlf ) )  at line 11.

Clearly, I'm not understanding this and would appreciate any help from
those on the list.


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