Be careful to distinguish RuleML, which is a proposed standard rule language, from JessML, which is an XML-based rule format natively supported by Jess. The point of JessML, really, is that it's easier to manipulate XML than the Lisp-like Jess rule language in code, so if you want to write some kind of translator, GUI, or other tool for manipulating Jess code, using JessML will make it much easier to do.

So in any case, JessML exists so that's it's very simple for you to create your own special-purpose front ends like what you describe.

On Aug 24, 2010, at 12:42 PM, Donald Winston wrote:

What's the possibility of some sort of rule "translator" for Jess. One of the reasons for using a rule engine in a typical business app is to separate the business rules from the rest of the application so non programmers can work with the rules. (Although in my experience we end up with programmers developing the rules anyway) I think it's going to be difficult to convince my clients to let me use Jess if this is a priority for them. I believe most will be put off by the Lisp language that Jess uses. Even if software engineers will be writing the rules from some sort of documentation they might not like it.

I know there's a RuleML effort. But to be really good the translation would have to go both from ML -> Lisp and Lisp -> ML. In addition the rules developer would not be editing the ML directly but an english like language to express the rules. This would probably put a straight jacket on how Jess is used in these kinds of apps(which may be a good thing).

(I've decided I like Jess especially because these days Blaze Advisor costs six figures! Drools is a frigging elephant)

I'm going to use it for a prototype app I've had in mind.

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Ernest Friedman-Hill
Informatics & Decision Sciences          Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs
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