Why doesn't this work?

(defglobal ?*usps-state-codes* = (progn
    (bind ?hash-set (new java.util.HashSet 59))
    (call ?hash-set add "AL") (call ?hash-set add "AK") (call ?hash-set add 
"AS") (call ?hash-set add "AZ")
    (call ?hash-set add "CA") (call ?hash-set add "CO") (call ?hash-set add 
"CT") (call ?hash-set add "DE")
    (call ?hash-set add "DC") (call ?hash-set add "FM") (call ?hash-set add 
"FL") (call ?hash-set add "GA")
    (call ?hash-set add "GU") (call ?hash-set add "HI") (call ?hash-set add 
"ID") (call ?hash-set add "IL")
    (call ?hash-set add "IN") (call ?hash-set add "IA") (call ?hash-set add 
"KS") (call ?hash-set add "KY")
    (call ?hash-set add "LA") (call ?hash-set add "ME") (call ?hash-set add 
"MH") (call ?hash-set add "MD")
    (call ?hash-set add "MA") (call ?hash-set add "MI") (call ?hash-set add 
"MN") (call ?hash-set add "MS")
    (call ?hash-set add "MO") (call ?hash-set add "MT") (call ?hash-set add 
"NE") (call ?hash-set add "NV")
    (call ?hash-set add "NH") (call ?hash-set add "NJ") (call ?hash-set add 
"NM") (call ?hash-set add "NC") 
    (call ?hash-set add "ND") (call ?hash-set add "MP") (call ?hash-set add 
"OH") (call ?hash-set add "OK")
    (call ?hash-set add "OR") (call ?hash-set add "PW") (call ?hash-set add 
"PA") (call ?hash-set add "PR")
    (call ?hash-set add "RI") (call ?hash-set add "SC") (call ?hash-set add 
"SD") (call ?hash-set add "TN")
    (call ?hash-set add "TX") (call ?hash-set add "UT") (call ?hash-set add 
"VT") (call ?hash-set add "VI")
    (call ?hash-set add "VA") (call ?hash-set add "WA") (call ?hash-set add 
"WV") (call ?hash-set add "WI")
    (call ?hash-set add "WY")

(printout t (call ?*usps-state-codes* contains "VA") crlf)

I need to have a global variable that will contain state code values after a 
(reset). list "AL" "AK" ... works but a HashSet would be more efficient. A jess 
list is not a collection so I can't use the HashSet(Collection) constructor.

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