Hello Jason,

Thanks for your quick response.
Maybe handle was the wrong word to use :-).
Your approach seems to be good, but my problem is: do i need a single
deftemplate for every variable or is it one deftemplate for all
variables ok? And in which way do I need to rephrase my formulas so I
can access the facts I asserted in my deftemplate
In my last post I attached my gui. Maybe you can take a quick look.
What I want to do:
I want to write my variables in the different jtextfields catch their
values and assert them as facts. Then I click on "Start" what will start
my jess-code and in the PopUp I can see the different conclusions.
What do you think would it be easier: to connect my gui (newjframe.java)
to jess (bachelorarbeit.clp),
rewrite the gui in jess ( I think it is a terrible work, because my gui
has more then 800lines)
integrate my jess code in java.
Thanks again for your help. Maybe someone else has a good hint as well.
Greetings Florian

My Am 18.03.2011 17:44, schrieb Jason Morris:
Hi Florian,

Rules "handle" input by activating and firing in response to the
assertion of facts that match their LHS patterns.  If you want a rule
to "handle" some input data, simply write a rule that matches a fact
containing that data.

Just have the event handler code for your "OK" button (or whatever GUI
control starts your processing) assert all of your variables wrapped
as Jess facts.  Then, when your rules "see" those facts containing
your data, their RHS code can process it.

An example fact template would be:

  (deftemplate datum
  "A linear regression variable"
    (slot variable)
    (slot value) )

Using the Jess language, you can then assert facts like so...

(assert (datum (variable beta_sz)(value 52.5)))

From Java proper, this would be something like:
  Rete engine = new Rete();

  engine.eval("(deftemplate datum \"A linear regression variable\" (slot variable) 
(slot value))");

  Fact datum = new Fact("datum", engine);

  datum.setSlotValue("variable", new Value("beta_sz", RU.SYMBOL));
  datum.setSlotValue("value", new Value(52.5, RU.FLOAT));


    * If you are really ambitious, use a grid control on a form to act
      as the input/output control to a backend spreadsheet. For
      example, you could write an I/O widget that extends
      javax.swing.JTable and is databound to an Excel file via Apache
      Poi.  You will have to rig all the plumbing, but it can be
      done.  Better to use an existing widget. For a Swing app,
      something like QuickTable <http://quicktable.org/> looks
      promising.  If you go the webapp/AJAX route, there are all sorts
      of databound grid widgets (e.g. Smart GWT
      <http://code.google.com/p/smartgwt/>, showcase

    * By the way: Have you looked at integrating R with Jess?  R is a
      very powerful statistics package, and the JRI
      <http://www.rforge.net/JRI/>API let's you integrate it with Java.

Hope this helps!

Morris Technical Solutions LLC
(517) 304-5883

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 8:35 AM, Flogger <flog...@drfaltus.de
<mailto:flog...@drfaltus.de>> wrote:

    Hi Community,

    not long ago I asked you how to store rules in an excel sheet. Me
    and my
    tutor are totally ok with the apache api for accessing our rules.
    I programmed a small GUI were all the input can be made.
    My question right now is:
    Is it possible to link my input fields to my seperated jess-file
    And my other question is:
    How do I have to write the rules in Bachelorarbeit.clp so they can
    handle input?
    I tried working with the examples from "Jess in Action" but so far
    I was not successful.
    At the moment my "program" looks like this:

    (bind ?beta_sz 52.5)
    (bind ?b_sz 2.5)
    (bind ?l_sz 3)
    (bind ?r_sz_2 0.6)
    (bind ?r_sz_3 0.3)

    (progn (bind ?TEPS_linear (+     (* ?b_sz -0.216)
                                    (* ?l_sz 0.685)
                                    (* ?r_sz_2 0.392)
                                     0.867 ))
        (printout t "TEPS_linear ist " ?TEPS_linear crlf))

    (progn (bind ?TEPS_poly (+    (* +0.000 (** ?beta_sz 4))
                                   (* +0.035 (** ?b_sz 1))
                                (* -0.103 (** ?l_sz 3))
                                (* -0.163 (** ?r_sz_2 5))
                                (* -0.002 (** ?r_sz_3 5))
        (printout t "TEPS_polynomial ist " ?TEPS_poly crlf)

    I declared my variables to check if i can handle the formulas. What i
    want to do now is to write a piece of code to catch the variables from
    the GUI (?beta_sz to ?r_sz_3). When this is done I finally want to
    outsource the rule part to excel and only have the GUI and the catcher
    for my variables in the code.
    Thank you in advance guys.
    I am happy for every little piece of help.
    Greetings from good old cloudy cold Germany

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