The "current module" is the one into which new constructs will be added; it's unrelated to actual execution of the engine. Since the Rete network is shared among all peers, the current module is shared, as well. If you change it from one thread, the changes will be visible in other threads. Peers are intended for situations in which the Rete network is fixed once initially created; what you're showing should not normally be an issue in production. The intent is that no further new code should be compiled after the peers are created, or at least not after they are running.

On Apr 18, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Grube, Ralf wrote:

Hi Jess team,

I am not sure whether the email has reached you a month ago. So I start a second trial here and would be glad if you could take a look on this issue.


p.s. ohh, I have send my first email to a single jess-user only :) So actually this is my first trial ;)

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Grube, Ralf
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 23. März 2011 16:00
An: ''
Betreff: Wrong results if using modules and peers in a multithreaded context


we have seen some nondeterministic behavior if executing rules with multiple threads on different Rete peers. Our rule base is scoped by modules which seems to cause the problems.

Basically our execution works like this (the System.outs are there to understand the results below):

                // a Rete peer
                Rete rete               String threadName
String moduleName System.out.println(String.format("<<%s, %d>> BeforeSettingModule: %s", threadName, rete.hashCode(), moduleName));


moduleName System.out.println(String.format("<<%s, %d>> AfterSettingModule: %s", threadName, rete.hashCode(), moduleName));
// ... some more non Rete related code that consumes a litte bit time

moduleName System.out.println(String.format("<<%s, %d>> BeforeAddingFacts: %s", threadName, rete.hashCode(), moduleName));
           for (Object fact : getFacts()) {

moduleName System.out.println(String.format("<<%s, %d>> BeforeRun: %s", threadName, rete.hashCode(), moduleName));


I have logged the current thread name together with the used Rete hashCode to show:
1. each thread always works on the same Rete instance
2. each thread uses its own Rete instance

Here is an excerpt of the results:

<<pool-1-thread-13, 3779465>> BeforeSettingModule: 553486623
<<pool-1-thread-13, 3779465>> AfterSettingModule: 553486625
<<pool-1-thread-11, 7866553>> AfterSettingModule: 553486625
<<pool-1-thread-11, 7866553>> BeforeAddingFacts: 553486625
<<pool-1-thread-9, 12910198>> BeforeRun: 553486625
<<pool-1-thread-11, 7866553>> BeforeRun: 553486625
<<pool-1-thread-6, 2780950>> BeforeRun: 553486625
<<pool-1-thread-7, 11541827>> BeforeSettingModule: 553486625
<<pool-1-thread-7, 11541827>> AfterSettingModule: 553486624
<<pool-1-thread-7, 11541827>> BeforeAddingFacts: 553486624
<<pool-1-thread-15, 28571894>> BeforeSettingModule: 553486623
<<pool-1-thread-15, 28571894>> AfterSettingModule: 553486625
<<pool-1-thread-15, 28571894>> BeforeAddingFacts: 553486625
<<pool-1-thread-7, 11541827>> BeforeRun: 553486625
<<pool-1-thread-13, 3779465>> BeforeAddingFacts: 553486625
<<pool-1-thread-11, 7866553>> BeforeSettingModule: 553486625
<<pool-1-thread-11, 7866553>> AfterSettingModule: 553486626
<<pool-1-thread-11, 7866553>> BeforeAddingFacts: 553486626
<<pool-1-thread-1, 15628820>> BeforeRun: 553486625
<<pool-1-thread-13, 3779465>> BeforeRun: 553486626

The erroneous result is produced by 'pool-1-thread-13' here.
As you can see it has currentModule '553486625' before adding the facts and before running the engine the current module suddenly is '553486626'. In this example a suspect could be 'pool-1-thread-11' because it changes the module just before the erroneous log. But this is not verified. The problem causes round about 1% of our results to be wrong. The error rate increases if increasing the number of threads.

The problem disappears if replacing the Rete peer by a separate Rete instance that has its own rule base. So it is only related to Rete.getPeer().

Ralf Grube


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