Hi Russ,

Facts are assigned to modules at the template level, not at the individual fact 
level. When you define a template using "deftemplate", either the template 
specifies its module by using a name like "modulename::factname", or if the 
name is unqualified, the template is placed in the "current module". The 
"current module" is the one that unqualified constructs  will be assigned to; 
usually it's only relevant during the time your code is being loaded, and not 
while your program is running.

The focus module, on the other hand, is the one from which rules are being 
fired. It's unrelated to which module things will be defined in. It is relevant 
at runtime only.

If you use "assertFact" with an unqualified name as you've shown below, Jess 
will first look in the current module and the default module for a template 
with that name; if one isn't found, it'll be created in the current module. As 
the current module won't necessarily be well-defined or predicatable while your 
program is running, it is always a good idea when using modules to specify the 
full name of the fact, including the module name, so that you don't 
inadvertently create templates with the same name in different modules by 

Finally, note that when a rule or query is compiled, the unqualified template 
names it mentions are resolved in the module in which the rule or query is 
defined, or in the default module. The current module is thus effectively set 
to the rule's module while a rule is being defined. Once the rule is compiled, 
the templates are already resolved, and the current module has no effect on how 
the rule operates.

From: owner-jess-us...@sandia.gov [mailto:owner-jess-us...@sandia.gov] On 
Behalf Of Russell Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 10:00 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: Basic questions about modules, context, and focus

I've read through the documentation, JESS in Action book, and mailing list 
archive, and I can't seem to figure out this basic question:

        How do I assert facts from Java into different modules (or 

To be more specific, the application is a discrete event simulation with agents 
interacting with each other and objects in the environment.  Each agent 
currently has two separate RETE engines, each with it's own CLP file and only 
the MAIN module, and I use 'call-on-engine' function calls to coordinate 
between them.  While this functions correctly, it's cumbersome and inefficient. 
 Plus I need to expand the categories of rules by two and using the current 
scheme would get too complicated.

Most of the discrete event simulation happens in Java, with facts asserted to 
the agents so they can react to the environment and each other.  Currently, 
this is how I assert facts:

engine.assertFact(new Fact("found-something-interesting", engine));

I would like to move to an architecture where each agent has only one RETE 
engine, one CLP file with multiple modules -- one module for each category of 

But how do I assert the fact in a specific module?  Is it in the string 
associated with the fact?

I found classdoc for "public Fact assertFact(Fact f, Context c) throws 
JessException -- Assert a fact, using the given execution context. ...", and 
then tried to understand of 'execution context' was the same thing as module or 
focus stack or what.  The classdoc for Context was very unhelpful in this 

Also, what's the difference between 'set-current-module' and 'focus' functions? 
 When do you use one or the other?  I presume I'll be using java methods 
'engine.eval("(focus BLARG)");' if I need to change the current module, but 
then what is 'set-current-module' for?

I really wish there was a complete worked example showing how to use a rule set 
with multiple modules that are accessed and manipulated through Java.  I need 
the "dots" to be more "connected".


Russ Thomas

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