> . oracle RAW columns need a size - so I added one of 2000 to the
> schema.

ok, it should be added to the 'xml' schema

> . UNIQUE in oracle also creates an index - so I removed the _INDEX
> sections of the schema.


> So - I now have a DB.
> I then started tomcat.
> I then got a problem that the profile.getDocuments method in the
> ProfilePeer's returns null.  THIS SEEMS TO BE THE MAIN PROBLEM.

You mean profile.getDocument() ?
If you look at BaseProfile, it calls into the PsmlManager.
The PsmlManager uses the installed service, which must first be initialized.
After switching the order of services in the JRP, Im not having this
Im still trying to figure out why hypersonic doesn't see the tables.
I will try to test on Oracle later today....

> This seems to be due to the importer calling the .store method -
> which assumes an update.


> I switched this to create - obviously only valid the first time
> through... but then again - I presume the PsmlImporter is a once off
> facility too...  Once we have the profiles in the DB, I presume the
> file based profiles are redundant...
> I then found we needed ID_TABLE entries for the new tables.

Yes, that is necessary. The insert statements need to be added to the SQL
scripts, thanks.

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