David Sean Taylor wrote:
RaphaÃl Luta wrote:

David Sean Taylor wrote:

David Sean Taylor wrote:

I still have a few outstanding features for the 1.6 release:
- build db specific torque jars


- fusion testing

tomorrow, hopefully...

Do you want us to test Fusion from CVS and test a pre-build binary ?

- cleanup tutorial


I'll have some free cycles tomorow evening to review documentation and possibly fix some small issues as I find them.

I'd like to propose deleting:

1. the entire build directory

-0. I don't how many people use maven vs ant to build jetspeed 1 so this may have a huge impact on our current user base. I think we should ask
on the user mailing-list before doing something like this.

It doesn't build anymore, try it
Someone needs to step and fix it (doubtful)

I don't see the point in keeping it around if no one uses it
You can type

maven ant

to generate an ant build anyway

I'm using maven too since J2 requires it :)
If it doesn't build any more I'm +1 to remove it unless someone steps in and wants to fix it. Better to ship no alternate build method than a
broken one.

2. scratchpad/cms
   Graffito now exists in incubator, we don't need this here any more


ok, anyone else need this?

3. scratchpad/portlet-api
   this directory confuses people since they think its real thing
   (its not, its the pre expert group design)

+0. It has historical value but I agree it can confuse people.

Yes, thats true, forgot about that.
I'll leave it, the jar is pretty small

Im slowly getting closer to getting all my tasks completed.

Fusion is going to also need documentation, since there is only the Wiki. I'll work on that once I get Fusion tested

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