I was able to fix this when I reinstalled J2-M2. I think there some some 
corruption in the database.

04/14/2005 10:08 AM
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"Jetspeed Developers List" <jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org>

Jetspeed-Dev <jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org>

JPetstore broken in M2

The JPetstore application does not appear to work in Jetspeed-2.0-M2 
(binary distribution with Tomcat 5.5.8). I can bring up the application's 
'home page', but when I click on any of the category links (Fish, Dogs, 
Reptiles, Cats and Birds), I get the following message:
Something happened...
But no further information was provided. 

Trying to register in this application brings up the same error message. 
This occurred in two clean installations on separate machines. Is there 
something I should know about? 

Also, accessing Help mode just appears to call View mode again.


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