Phooey--I thought Lori was going to sign off as co-chairman of the Robert
Cohen fan club.

In any case, the Robert Cohen of, e.g., OPEN THE GATES! *is* the former
radio producer/host/writer and announcer.  Indeed, the CD grew out of years
of lecturing on Jewish music which grew out of an NPR documentary on
American-Jewish music, which in turn grew out of several years of Jewish
radio in NYC.

Any questions?

--Robert Cohen, who wrote a published piece once on all the Robert Cohens
who had stalked me, as it were, in my life

    How many Robert Cohens do we have on the list now?  I'm getting

   Can you distinguish yourselves in your sig line in some way, as
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  and I do?

   Maybe that wouldn't even work, as there's still confusion over that
    We were commenting to one another that people often think one's
   postings belong to the other.  I wish I had said some of the
   intelligent, charming and witty things she says -- and the lyrics!
   The  "As Time Goes By" parody was priceless!  :-)

   Lorele, co-chairman of the Loris fan club

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