on the soundtrack, Molly Picon sings "libe-lid" rather than libes-lid. And
Picon has it as "nor du veyst aleyn, vi es nogt un tsit" [how it haunts/gnaws
and tugs/pulls] rather than "nor du veyst aleyn, vi azoy ikh fil". If it's
published elsewhere in a different version, I'd be interested to know that.

I just watched the barn scene from _Yidl_ where this song is sung. In the movie, Molly does sing "libes-lid" and "vi azoy ikh fil".

However, in her studio recording of this song, which is anthologized on
the record "Molly Picon At The Yiddish Theatre" (GRC 220 [1971]), Molly
sings "libe-lid" and "vi es nogt un tsit".

You're both right!

Gut shabes,

-- Bill B.

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