Hello all!

At long last, I'd like to announce the release of a new CD featuring selected performances by Michael Wex!
Featured pieces include a performance of "Sex in Yiddish" and a studio recording of a story about a possessed potato kugel you'll never forget!

The cost is $15.00 + $1.50 shipping in the US, add $2 outside the US.

Click on the link below to order instantly with your credit card through PayPal, or check out the brand new website for details on snail mail ordering, further details about this new release and other Wex goodies! (the bugs are still being worked out, so keep us bookmarked! New things will be added regularly):


For your PayPal payment:

https://www.paypal.com/xclick/ business=wexology%40earthlink.net&undefined_quantity=1&item_name=Sex+In+ Yiddish+CD&amount=15.00&shipping=1.50&return=http%3A// www.wexology.com&cancel_return=http%3A// www.wexology.com&no_note=1&cs=1&cn=Sex+In+Yiddish+CD&currency_code=USD

Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this possible (you know who you are! ;) )!

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