*Communalism, Centrestage*

*Communal forces have invaded all spaces, including the minds of secular


*Life and liberty are not the gift of society, state or Constitution but
inalienable rights of every individual. The flame of liberty will glow so
long as there are persons who have guts, grit, and vision to expose and
disprove those nibbling away liberty in the name of expedients.*
  [image: procons]

*Illustration:* Anand Naorem

A JOURNALIST OF a well-known television channel recently asked me why the
community to which I belong (of human rights activists) always takes stands
which are opposed to the stand of the whole nation. Can the shrill voices of
the electronic media replace our whole being? Can they replace the Indian
Constitution and the rule of law? The strong judgements passed by the media
after every terror attack, every encounter and every arrest of a
'mastermind', can sway the middle classes and the executives working in the
multinational companies. But can they stop a nation from questioning?

Even at the height of Hitler's rule in Germany, when benches on the roadside
had signs saying, 'Not for Jews', someone had the guts to put a black cross
on them, establishing that such politics of genocide was not acceptable.

Though India is being transformed at a fast pace where all minorities are
being forced to realise that they are second-class citizens, the difference
is that there are many more people in India who are challenging the fascist
agenda of those who are in power and others, who are desperately trying to
capture power in the coming election.

The ascent of these forces has been systematic and well planned. Twenty
years ago, most of the secular forces believed that the communal fascist
forces were on the fringe of society and laughed at the possibility of their
ever moving centerstage. Today the situation has reversed — the communal
forces are so centrestage, it is difficult to differentiate between what is
right and what is centre. They have invaded all spaces and areas including
the minds of our secular politicians.

Among the plenty of weapons that they have used in this journey — from the
peripheral to the Centre — fake encounters occupy a fairly important
position. They have cleverly used different weapons at different stages.
Beginning from ordinary bhajan mandalis, they moved to more organised
kathas, to new age gurus. Working at different levels over 15 years — shishu
mandirs, shakhas, ekal vidyalayas, sant samagams, television serials, the
rath yatras, leaflets, videos, CDs — they have slowly entered the
consciousness of an entire society with targeted messages against
minorities. Only those sections of society who strongly and consciously
contested this ideology could retain their sanity. After the seeds of hatred
were sowed successfully and the harvest was being reaped, started the more
decisive phase — the physical attacks and largescale genocide. Most of the
experiments were done in Gujarat and the remote areas of other states. For
example, the experiment within the tribal belts started in the late 1960s
and early 1970s.Almost simultaneously, the VHP swamis then moved into these

Today, we have reached a stage when an innocent person can be killed in a
fake encounter, and declared a terrorist. A large number of innocent young
Muslim boys are being victimised by the police on charges of terrorism. In
most cases, they are not shown to be arrested by the police until many days
after their arrest in gross violation of the law. Their families are also
not informed about their arrest and while in police custody, they are made
to 'confess' and sign blank papers. The courts routinely deny them bail.
When the police chargesheet them, the trials go on almost endlessly during
which the poor victims are virtually defenceless. GUJCOC, MCOCA, POTA and
many other such draconian laws are required only so that the statements
which the police force out of the victims can be considered as evidence.

After years of torture and confinement, when the case against the victims is
found to be baseless, no action is taken to hold police officials
accountable. The young patriotic journalists, of course, are then not around
to report the horrors of all those years lost in the dark cells of a jail.
Stopping the victimisation of the innocents will be the first step towards
finding a solution against terrorism.

*(Hashmi is a social activist with Anhad)*
  *From Tehelka Magazine, Vol 5, Issue 39, Dated Oct 04, 2008*

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