Dear all,

Please find a press release from Independent Media on the arrest of Abhaya
Sahoo, the leader of the POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samiti. Also find an appeal
letter to the CM of Orissa Navin Pattanaik condemning the repression against
PPPS and the arrest of Abhaya Sahoo.



*Wrong priorities: arresting peaceful anti-POSCO movement leader, while the
Hindutva killers roam free in Kandhmal
The arrest of Abhaya Sahoo, the leader of PPPS, which has been protesting
peacefully against the proposed POSCO project while killers and rapists are
having a field day in Kandhamal, is the final nail in the credibility of
Nabin Pattanaik's government. Abhaya Sahoo, who has been undergoing
treatment for severe diabetes, was returning to Jagatsinghpur from Cuttack
with his son, when police waylaid his vehicle at Bhutamundai Chhak and
arrested him. A large number of false cases, including that of dacaity, have
been filed against Abhaya Sahoo by the police and district administration.
It is quite well known that Abhaya Sahoo has been instrumental in keeping
the anti-POSCO movement peaceful in face of extreme provocation by police,
pro-POSCO goons and supporters and the Company itself. Apparently, it was
Abhaya Sahu who saved the lives of many pro-POSCO persons who attacked PPPS
followers using bombs on June 21, 2008 and then were chased into a school
building surrounded by angry PPPS supporters. Arresting him is a massive
blunder by the state government. Immediately after his arrest, tension
spread in Dhinkia and nearby village, and it is not known what the
consequences of this arrest may be. PPPS supporters are gathering all over
the place and there is strong possibility of violent retaliation in face of
the arrest of their leader.

It is a shame that when Kandhamal is burning, the Government has had to go
and light one more fire by arresting the leader of a peaceful people's
movement. The GOO has utterly failed to control the Hindutva forces in
Kandhmals, even in face of rapes and killings of minorities. In fact it
almost seems that administration has encouraged hindutva forces to go on
rampage in Kandhamal. Instead of arresting killers and rapists, Nabin
Pattanaiks' priorities seem to be clear - to crush peaceful movements
protesting the takeover of their lands and livelihoods by Companies like
POSCO. One can only assume that appeasing Hindutva and corporate sector go
hand in hand in this regime. Unfortunately, such ham handed measures will
only ignite more fires, and without the presence of Abhaya Sahoo, one is
afraid that a more violent phase of the anti-POSCO struggle will be

Independent Media

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