Another interesting writeup. The problem seems to be much deeper than
conversions to another religion.



Daya Varma, Feroz Mehdi and Vinod Mubayi

Though not commonly recognized, India is in  the midst of a battle between
democracy and fascism. The process started with Advani's Rath Yatra leading
to the demolition of Babri Masjid followed by massacre of Muslims and now
Christians. Hindutva hordes dictate the civic life threatening full fledged

While the people of Pakistan and Bangladesh have been grappling with the
issue of dictatorship versus democracy, a bigger but less recognized problem
is facing India. Here the fight is not between autocratic dictatorships
versus democracy. Rather, it is between democracy and fascism.

Although the nucleus of fascism came into existence in India in 1926 with
the founding of the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS), it blossomed into
full force with Advani's Rath Yatra across the country culminating in the
demolition of the Babri Masjid in December 1992. This was a prelude to
the massacre of Muslims in Gujarat in 2002.  Now this onslaught by the
Hindutva forces on hapless minorities is no longer confined to the Muslims
who constitute about 13% of the population.  It is the relatively tiny
Christian community making up perhaps 2% of the population, which is now the
target of an organized campaign of killings, rapes, arson, and wanton
vandalism in states ruled by the Bharatiya Janata Party, either on its own
or in coalition.

Sporadic Hindu Muslim riots are not new in India. However, the demolition of
Babri Masjid altered the very character of these episodes. It was no more a
conflict between Hindus and Muslims on some trivial issue. *It was the
assertion of Hindu supremacy in Indian polity, a challenge to a supposedly
secular state issued by an aggressive authoritarian force claiming to speak
on behalf of the majority. The late Vinod Mishra, then the General Secretary
of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)-Liberation or
CPI-ML-Liberation, contended that the Babri Masjid episode was not a
question of Masjid -Mandir, rather it was a question of democracy or
fascism.* Unfortunately, his words are proving prophetic.

Although Vinod Mishra made attempts to mobilize against the fascist forces,
the program of his Party was not tailored to deal with impending fascism.
Likewise, no left and communist party in India, including the Naxalites, has
treated the question of fascism with any urgency and none of them has
developed programs to counter fascism.

There are two important questions. 1. Is the threat of fascism real or are
we exaggerating the political trends? 2. If the danger of fascism is real,
then what are the options and what could be the program of the left parties,
the only forces with a cadre that is potentially an ideological opponent of

We think the danger of fascism in India is not inevitable but, nonetheless,
the threat is real. Historically, the creation of a climate of fear and
intimidation among the population coupled with the identification of
scapegoats, usually racial, religious, or ethnic minorities, as the cause of
the 'crisis' is the hallmark of a fascist onslaught.  These features already
exist to some extent in India at present; given the many unsolved cases of
bombings followed by the mass, often random, arrests of minority youth, and
the hysteria being assiduously fostered about terrorism. In addition the
instruments of implementation of fascist rule also exist in the form of RSS,
Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), Bajrang Dal, and Shiv Sena. All these are being
and will continue to be protected and encouraged by their political
formation Bharatiya Janata Party with Advani or Narendra Modi as the Prime

Despite a long history of relatively harmonious relationship between Hindus,
Muslims and Christians, the dominant cultural ethos of India, particularly
in the last two or three decades, is becoming suffused with Hindu pride and
Hindu "cultural values". The slogan "mera Bharat mahan" speaks to a very
particular type of "Bharat," one in which minorities have little place.
Even Dalits, who were explicitly excluded from the Hindu caste
hierarchy, aspire for equality with caste Hindus rather than acting as a
force for the abolition of casteism and caste division.

There are other factors that favor a fascist take over. Corruption in India,
though not a source but rather a symptom of its problems, creates a mind-set
that only an authoritarian fascist government, riding roughshod over all
civil and human liberties and rights, can root out this evil and bring
efficiency to state institutional functioning. This type of thinking is
typical of many urban middle and lower middle class people; this section, in
the past, has been the strongest bulwark of fascist rule.  The anger of
caste Hindus against reservation for OBCs (other backward castes) simply
shows that meeting the legitimate social and economic demands of Muslims and
marginalized forest dwelling Christians will favor the growth of Hindu
fanaticism rather than its opposite. Given this majority cultural climate,
and also given the sectarian attitude manifested by the communist parties
towards the UPA regime led by Congress, any government in India, other than
BJP, will be a weak government that will not (and does not) have the muscle
or the political will to deal with the fascist hordes.

Moreover, the leaders of most of the political parties are Hindus, mostly
caste Hindus. Even when they are secular and firmly opposed to Hindutva
fascism like Lalu Yadav, they are incapable of feeling the fear and pain of
Muslim and Christian minorities. Consequently, their reaction to open
intimidation by the fascist forces, as well the reaction of many left
intellectuals, with some exceptions, is steeped in intellectualism rather
than towards forthright action on the streets. For example, there was no
organized force of cadre that could rush to the rescue of Muslims in Gujarat
where the anti-Muslim pogrom went on for days.

India is a country of many cultures, languages, nationalities and
religions.  The south and the east were, until recently, relatively immune
to Hindutva, but this is no longer the case with the BJP victory in
Karnataka.  The appeal of fascism is the emergence of a strong,
authoritarian political formation based on an artificially created semitised
version of Hinduism, which can overcome all existing divisions to build a
united India ready to physically face any divisive force inside and any
threat, real or imaginary like Pakistan and Bangladesh, from outside. This
indeed was the basis of the birth and has been the basis of growth of the
increasing influence of the Sangh Parivar.

The essence of fascism is the same no matter where it comes but its forms
can differ depending upon national characteristics. Among all the leaders of
India, including Gandhi, the one most conscious of and opposed to fascism
was Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India. In this context
Nehru's statement that "*fascism will come to India in the form of
communalism*", which is the starting quote of the ANHAD Conference against
fascism, is very apt and revealing. Starting with communalism it will
transform into all walks of life and pose the same danger to the common
people of India as it is currently posing to the minorities, Muslims and
Christians.  This has been happening for some time now; the organized goons
of Sangh Parivar like Bajrang Dal and Shiv Sena, in addition to assaulting
or killing Muslims and Christians, already operate above and beyond the law
through physical intimidation of targets.  For example, over the past
several years, they have routinely resorted to attacking and trashing any
cultural symbols such as art exhibits or artists they don't like, like not
letting the film 'Water' be filmed in India or sending the painter MF Husain
into exile; another favorite tactic has been the harassment and intimidation
of so-called Bangladeshi migrants in major cities and this has now extended
to harassing Bihari and UP migrants in Mumbai. In BJP ruled states like
Gujarat they are able to do this with complete impunity as the police not
only condone but also connive in these fascist actions.  However, that this
is happening even in Congress-ruled states such as Maharashtra shows simply
that the state governments where these things happen are either unwilling or
too weak to take action.  In this respect, the fascist forces have already
triumphed; they have succeeded in creating a situation where the state is
paralyzed and unable to implement its own laws.

Usually, the advent of fascism is preceded by attack on popular democratic
formations and not communists. That comes later and must come. For example,
anarchists were the main targets of attack during the Spanish civil war.
Social democrats were the first target during the rise of German fascism.
Communists were the second in line in fascist Germany. Ironically,
communists did not come to the rescue of the first targets in Spain and
Germany and there are allegations that they even helped in the suppression
of anarchists and social democrats.

In India, the equivalents of the German social democrats are the Janata Dal
of Lalu Yadav, the Samajwadi Party of Mulayam Singh and the Congress of
Sonia Gandhi. They may be vacillating or weak but they are the only ones who
have so far prevented a fascist take over of India. Ironically, as in
Germany, they, not BJP, are the targets of the communist parties in India on
such extraneous and ultimately irrelevant issues like the Indo-US nuclear

No serious battle against the forces of fascism in India can be launched
without building the broadest possible alliance of anti-fascist forces and
mass mobilization against fascist hordes.  Unfortunately, the priorities of
left parties lie elsewhere as a result of a false and imaginary assessment
of internal and external enemies of India. It is difficult to change the
attitude of left parties under the existing leadership. That forces the
civil society groups to undertake the mammoth task of becoming the main
forces against fascism in India.

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