While my question is similar to the Jira bug JIXB-14, it is slightly different.

I have an XML file with a set of addresses (street, city, state, zip), and the corresponding java Address class. I need to have the primary address (using a primary tag) and zero or more secondary addresses (using a secondary tag). In my attempt to do this, I've come across a few minor bugs (I think).

Java files:
class Person
    Address primary;
    ArrayList secondary;

XML File: <person> <primary> <street>124 main street</street><city>new york</city> <state>NY</state> <zip>000000</zip> </primary> <secondary> <street>142 tree street, apt 14</street> <city>Burlington</city><state>MI</state> <zip>00000</zip> </secondary> </person>

        Binding attempt 1:
<namespace uri="http://www.softstart.com/"; default="elements" />
<mapping name="person" class="Person" field="person">
    <structure field="primary" map-as="Address"/>
    <structure name="secondary" usage="optional">
        <collection field="secondary" item-type="Address"/>
<mapping name="primary" class="Address">
   <value name="street" field="street"/>
   <value name="city" field="city" />
   <value name="state" field="state" />
   <value name="zip" field="zip" />

This binds properly, but fails on read with unmarshalling with an:
org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: Expected "{http://www.softstart.com/}secondary"; end tag, found "{http://www.softstart.com/}street"; end tag (line 5, col 39)
at org.jibx.runtime.impl.UnmarshallingContext.throwEndTagNameError(UnmarshallingContext.java:307)

at org.jibx.runtime.impl.UnmarshallingContext.parsePastEndTag(UnmarshallingContext.java:829)

I tried changing the Address mapping to abstract, and setting the name="primary" for the first structure. This fails on binding with:

[java] org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: Name not allowed when using mapping reference at tag "structure"(line 4, col 35, in bind.xml)
[java] at org.jibx.runtime.impl.UnmarshallingContext.throwStartTagException(UnmarshallingContext.java:2725)

I tried creating two Address mappings, one with name="primary" the other with name="secondary". This fails on bind with:

[java] org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: Conflicting mappings for class com.softstart.Address
[java] at org.jibx.binding.def.DefinitionContext.addMapping(DefinitionContext.java:183)

Getting frustrated, I tried to flatten the listing, which worked. And I discovered that the structure element will take a class attribute, even through neither the documentation nor the XSD say it's allowed. That is, the following is accepted and works as expected:

<namespace uri="http://www.softstart.com/"; default="elements" />
<mapping name="person" class="Person" field="person">
    <structure field="primary" name="primary" class="Address">
        <value name="street" field="street"/>
        <value name="city" field="city" />
        <value name="state" field="state" />
        <value name="zip" field="zip" />
    <structure usage="optional">
        <collection field="secondary" item-type="Address"/>
<mapping name="secondary" class="Address">
   <value name="street" field="street"/>
   <value name="city" field="city" />
   <value name="state" field="state" />
   <value name="zip" field="zip" />

The other way I got this to apparently work was using the label/using construct. Which has a big warning that it is being depreciated. Binding is as follows:

<namespace uri="http://www.softstart.com/"; default="elements" />
<mapping name="person" class="Person" field="person">
    <structure field="primary" name="primary" using="ADDRESS"/>
    <structure name="secondary" usage="optional">
        <collection field="secondary" item-type="Address"/>
<mapping name="secondary" class="Address" label="ADDRESS">
   <value name="street" field="street"/>
   <value name="city" field="city" />
   <value name="state" field="state" />
   <value name="zip" field="zip" />

Of course this doesn't work the other way around, with the address map for primary, and the using on the secondary structure/collection.

<namespace uri="http://www.softstart.com/"; default="elements" />
<mapping name="person" class="Person" field="person">
    <structure field="primary" map-as="Address"/>
    <structure name="secondary" usage="optional" using="ADDRESS">
        <collection field="secondary" item-type="Address"/>
<mapping name="primary" class="Address" label="ADDRESS">
   <value name="street" field="street"/>
   <value name="city" field="city" />
   <value name="state" field="state" />
   <value name="zip" field="zip" />

This returns a binding error:
[java] org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: Expected end tag, found start tag "collection" (line 6, col 60, in bind.xml)
[java] at org.jibx.runtime.impl.UnmarshallingContext.toEnd(UnmarshallingContext.java:560)

There were a whole bunch of other interesting bad responses, though the binding was obviously wrong I had to try them anyways.

        The final question: What is the proper solution to this problem (if any)?

        Thomas Jones-Low            Softstart Services Inc.
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]      JobScheduler for Oracle
        Ph: 802-398-1012            http://www.softstart.com

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