Dennis Sosnoski wrote at="2004-07-06T19:08":
That means that DomMapperBase.findNamespaceIndex() should be changed to treat a null URI as equivalent to "", and the first line should probably be changed from:

Hi Dennis,

DomMapperBase.findNamespaceIndex() has a second bug and I follow-up the most appropriate thread for this I could find.

If the <binding> element has a <namespace> child like

        <namespace uri="mynsuri" default="elements" prefix="myprefix"/>


        DomMapperBase.findNamespaceIndex(null,"mynsuri") returns -1.

It works ok if the <namespace> child lacks the prefix attribute. However, there is no reason why not to declare a prefix even for the default namespace (in cases where the deault namespace is out of scope by an intermediate default namespace xmlns attribute).

More importantly however, unmarshall() works while marshall() what was unmarshalled beforehand raises an exception. This breaks your symmetry design goal and is hard to debug for the user -- at least, it was for me ;-)

Keep up your great work,


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