> As a side note: How do you combine jibx with the Eclipse build and
> - even more severe - its product export? The problem is, that the
> automatically created Eclipse build.xml used during its deployment is
> not aware of the needs to export your prepared class files, but will
> build them again (without postprocessing). If your Ant builder has
> solved this problem I would appreciate very much, if you could
> share your builder (if possible)!


I am not sure what you mean by "product export". At the moment I am
only unit testing from the eclipse IDE. I intend to build the project
artefacts with maven, so eclipse will not be in the way.

Here is my build file:

        Ant build file for postprocessing the JiBX managed classes, to be used 
        an Eclipse builder.
<project name="jibx-binder" basedir="." default="bind">

        <property name="config.dir" value="${project.dir}/src/main/config"/>
        <property name="jibx-lib.dir" value="C:/var/frameworks/jibx-1.1/lib"/>
        <!-- JiBX binding compiler task definition -->
        <taskdef name="bind" classname="org.jibx.binding.ant.CompileTask">
                        <pathelement location="${jibx-lib.dir}/bcel-5.1.jar"/>

        <target name="bind">
                <!-- Run JiBX binding compiler -->
                <bind verbose="false" load="true" 
                      <pathelement path="target"/>
                      <pathelement location="${jibx-lib.dir}/jibx-run-1.1.jar"/>

And I added ant ant builder to the eclipse project that triggers this
ant script. I also had to add the jibx jars to the builder classpath
otherwise it would not run.


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