Hm - this may be a bug in jibx (since I believe it should have given you
a compile error on the binding), but the simple solution is to move the
element name down into the mapping itself rather than in the structure
declaration.  Make the following two changes:


5:     <structure field="address" usage="optional"  ordered="false"
flexible="true" />


10:  <mapping abstract="true" name="address" class="jibxtest.Address"
flexible="true" ordered="false">


As you can see, all I've done here is moved "name" from line 5 down to
line 10.  I'm assuming that the field "address" of class "Person" is
actually declared as being of type "jibxtest.Address" - if it's not, you
need to add a type="jibxtest.Address" to line 5 so that the binding
runtime can locate the correct mapping.


Also, why is the jibxtest.Address mapping declared "abstract" below?  Do
you have subclasses for it in the actual binding?  If not, you should
remove the abstract="true" (I was actually a little surprised that line
10, above, compiled at all); if so, you'll want to define the name
elements on the subclasses themselves.



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Janga,
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 8:35 AM
To: ''
Subject: [jibx-users] JIBX -- Problem unmarshalling optional elements


      I have a binding that is meant to unmarshal optional elements.
I'am getting an error while unmarshalling an optional element that is
coming in empty.

      I am using JIBX version 1.15. 
      I have been struggling with this issue for sometime. I would
really appreciate any help. 

My binding file 
<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<binding track-source="true" 
         direction="input" > 
        <mapping name="person" class="jibxtest.Person" 
             flexible="true" ordered="false"> 
                <value name="name" field="name"/> 
                <structure name="residential" flexible="true"
ordered="false" > 
                   <structure name="address" field="address" 
                              usage="optional"  ordered="false"
flexible="true" /> 
                   <value field="email" name="email" usage="optional"/> 
        <mapping abstract="true" class="jibxtest.Address"
flexible="true" ordered="false"> 
                <value field="street" name="street" usage="optional" /> 
                <value field="zip" name="zip" usage="optional" /> 
                <value field="city" name="city" usage="optional"  /> 

     Although I have address as an optional element, I'am getting an
error saying. 

      org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: Missing required element "(unknown
name, position 0 in binding structure)"(line 4, col 21)

     [java] at
     [java] at jibxtest.Address.JiBX_binding_unmarshal_1_1(

     [java] at jibxtest.Person.JiBX_binding_unmarshal_1_1( 
     [java] at jibxtest.JiBX_bindingPerson_access1.unmarshal() 
     [java] at
     [java] at
     [java] at jibxtest.JiBXTest.main( 

     My input XML is 

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